Important Dates



7th: End of Community Fridge Take Over

10th: DATE CHANGE- Coffee Connections @2:30pm OLS Auditorium, Book Fair Set up

12th and 14th: Pierce Book Fair@OLS

17th- 21st: No School

28th: Pierce Pride Day


Variety Show: TBD



Full Calendar

The Pierce School Extended Day program often fills up and has a waitlist. Parents are encouraged to apply early.


Local Programs


1. The Brookline Teen Center (6th-12th grades) now accepts 6th graders on up and provides homework support, college prep, maker space, sports, music studios, and more.


2. The Lin Learning Center is an after-school program located nearby.


3. The Brookline Recreation Department organizes sports activities, often by school, including soccer, lacrosse, volleyball, flag football, basketball, and more.

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