Interested in learning more about the PTO and how to get involved? Check out the volunteer interest form!




You will need to log in to view/complete the form.



Did the above link not work? Try this:

  1. On the navigation bar of this web site, click on LOGIN to get into your Membership Toolkit account. (Don't have an account yet? Go to the home page or click here to see instructions on how to create your account.)
  2. Once you are logged in, on the menu bar click  "My Account" (DO NOT select drop-down "Update My Account")
  • Click on "PTO General Volunteer Opportunities" [Please note: If you recently created a new account, it may take a few hours or up to a day for it to activate and give you access to the Volunteer Form. If that is the case for you, please try again tomorrow!]
  • Check off what interests you and hit "Save." You should receive a confirmation email that you completed the form, and the PTO will see your information.
Do you have questions about volunteering? Email pierce.pto@gmail.com and put "Volunteer" in the subject line.